The Lord would say to you
Be encouraged this day
My mercies are new each morning
And before you awoke this morning
I hovered over you
I protected you during the night watches
I rejoiced over the small decisions
you will make this day for the King
I say do not be discouraged
But take courage for I have overcome the world
I live in you
I war with you against the enemy of your soul
And I will never leave you
This day is a day of victory
It is a day of overcoming
Do not listen to the enemy of your soul
His words are empty and full of fear
But My words are not mere words
They are Spirit and they are life
Lift up your heads to the King of Glory
Let my Word come forth from your mouth
Overcome by My blood
And enjoy the journey this day
There are treasures to uncover
Treasures of wisdom hidden in My word
from before the foundation of the world
Nuggets of Truth to set the captives free
Release those that cross your path into light and life
And never fear for I will never leave you
It is a day of hope for those I send to you this day
It is a day of deliverance as they are set free with one
word of truth that will dispel the darkness and the lies of the enemy
It is a day of exultation
as they lift up their praises to the Lover of their soul
You each have a destiny
A divine appointment
To Bring Glory to your King
I AM glorified when you rise up
And walk in your destiny
I have reserved the soul-winner's crown for you this day
Look up and see that the harvest field is before you
Crucify your fear on the cross of Calvary
Be filled with boldness and power
Through the Holy Spirit
And above all
Rejoice for your names are written in Glory
Vince Aquilino,