It is Time for War!
I say to you
A new freedom is about
to be birthed in this area
For those long held in captivity
are so accustomed
to their chains
they are not aware they are bound
But I say to you
The shackles shall be broken and
The veil over the eyes of My people shall be rent
I say to you
the time of preparation
is almost is almost over
It is time for war
All out war is already
raging over your area
The ancient adversary
is rapidly losing ground
He is a dangerous foe
and as a wounded animal roars
he is roaring
But you My children shall stand
Stand shoulder to shoulder
and shield to shield
Fearless in your resolve
that as you advance
the last vestiges of enemy resistance
shall fall and the long-awaited revival
shall be released
Press in for as you war
I will war with you
It is not a time to back up
It is time to advance and take the promised land
Do not be deceived
Much ground has been taken back in the spiritual realm
Do not listen to those who look with earthly eyes
and say where is the promise of My coming
I AM coming
and in Glory
I shall rule and reign
in the hearts of My sons and daughters
As they continue
to be about the Father's business
in the earth
My enemies shall become
My footstool
Vince Aquilino,
I kept seeing all over this region
The Lord would say
It is time for the Gideons to arise
from the threshing floors that they are holding
and they are groaning
let My people go
and they are under great oppression from the enemy
The Lord says He has heard the cries of the groaning of the Gideons
that that have come up
And He says Arise mighty warriors
for I have clothed you with your armor
Because you are willing to stand in righteousness and in holiness
You are willing to stand in the silence that is Me
You are willing to stand in the deep thickness, the dark and the clouds
And you will be warriors in My Name
You will be the shining light
When others come up I will multiply that armor and an army shall rise
It has been spoken before, you are about to see it happen.
Arise Gideon's army
Arise, there is no fear, no fear of death, no fear of the enemy
because you know he is already defeated, arise, arise
It is time, it is time, stand in that darkness that holiness that is mine
Shed off all sin that would hold you back
let it go, let it go
Stand in My silence for I AM already speaking to you all
Listen, listen, I AM speaking
It is Time!
Patti Marleau
"Believe in the LORD your God, and you shall be established; believe His prophets, and you shall prosper." (2 Chron 20:20b)
"Surely the Lord God does nothing, unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets. A lion has roared! Who will not fear? The Lord God has spoken! Who can but prophesy? (AMO 3:7-8)
"For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy." (Rev 19:10)
"But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all; to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another discerning of spirits, to another different kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues" (1 Co 12:7, 10)
"But he who prophesies speaks edification and exhortation and comfort to men." (1CO 14:3)
- Transformation Syracuse/CNY
- The Healing Rooms of Greater Syracuse